Secure Your New Smile Sooner

As important as dental implants have been in the advancement of restorative dentistry, innovation has taken things to another level. For decades, implants have provided strength and security to dentures. Implants act as root replacements that connect dental restorations to your jawbone. This prevents bone loss and lets you bite and chew with practically as much force as someone with a full set of teeth.

Advanced procedures like the All-on- and All-on-6 give you even more benefits. With his advanced training, We can secure your dentures with four implants or six implants instead of the usual eight. He will carefully examine you to determine which treatment will best meet your needs. Either way, you will experience:

  • The added security that comes with implants
  • Easy maintenance, with no adhesive needed to keep teeth in place or special solutions to clean them
  • The ability to get your dentures and implants on the same day
  • A shorter recovery time compared to standard implants

All-on-6 is excellent for many patients who want the advantages of All-on-4 with the added security that comes with two more dental implants. To ensure you get great results, you need to visit someone like our doctor. As a member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and a Fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, he has training in advanced teeth replacement procedures. He is also in the process of becoming a Diplomate with American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry (ABOI/ID). You can feel confident coming to someone with his expertise!

Call 503-210-9802 to set up a consultation at Premier Dental & Implants. You can also ​​schedule online. You and your smile deserve the high-quality care you can count on with All-on-6 implants in Tigard, OR.